NSID – Laboratory for Neuroscience and Behavioral Studies in Decision
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Centro de Tecnologia e Geociência
Departamento de Engenharia de Produção
Av. da Arquitetura, s/n
5º andar do Bloco Administrativo do CTG
Cidade Universitária, Recife – PE, 50740-550
Email: secnsid@cdsid.org.br
The flow for submitting an order for laboratory use:
a) Researcher must request the consideration of his research proposal by the NSID Deliberative Committee. This request must be made through the e-mail sec@cdsid.org.br.
In the proper form, available upon request to the NSID Secretariat via the aforementioned email. To assess the request, it is not necessary to add the authorization of the ethics committee.
b) In case of approval by the Deliberative Committee, the applicant will be notified and must then apply for approval to the Research Ethics Committee of UFPE, taking into account all the requirements of this committee. If it is of interest to the project coordinator, a space for study and training may be provided for students linked to the project, knowing that no experiment can be carried out without proper proof of approval by the Research Ethics Committee of UFPE.
c) Upon approval by the Ethics Committee, the Project Coordinator requests the reservation of resources to the Laboratory Coordinator. The request is made through a specific form available in the NSID’s internal document base.