International journals and chapters indexed in ISI
NSID has gained notoriety in the academic community, particularly in the areas of decision-making and negotiation.
In 2023, one of our researchers received the INFORMS MCDM Junior Researcher Best Paper INFORMS, for the paper: Roselli, L. R. P., & de Almeida, A. T. (2023). The use of the success‐based decision rule to support the holistic evaluation process in FITradeoff. International Transactions in Operational Research, 30(3), 1299-1319.
Recently, the work “Melhorias propostas para o método FITradeoff a partir de estudos comportamentais com Eye-Tracking e Eletroencefalograma (EEG)” developed by NSID students received special mention for the master’s work presented in the MA-E thematic session at the VII EPPGEP, ANPEPRO.
Similarly, the work “Use of neuroscience tools to analyze the cognitive aspects of the FITradeoff method and the impact of different types of criteria” developed at NSID special mention for doctoral work presented in the DO-A thematic session at the V EPPGEP, ANPEPRO.
Also noteworthy is the dissertation entitled “Estudo comparativo entre o FITradeoff e atividades de cálculo e música utilizando eletroencefalograma (EEG)” which was nominated as an “Honor to Merit” by the Academia Brasileira de Qualidade (ABQ). This is recognition by the Institution of the authors of works that have significantly contributed to Quality and Management in Brazil.
Also noteworthy was the Young Researcher Award at the 18th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation awarded to NSID students.
Silva, A. L. C. L.; Medeiros, J. S. ; Oliveira, R. S. M. ; Cavalcanti, A. M. ; Costa, A. P. C. S. ; Roselli, L. R. P. ; Morais, D. C. ; DE Almeida, A. T. . Improvements in a Decision Support System from the evaluation of cognitive responses with EEG and Eye-Tracking. In: SNE 2023 – Society of NeuroEconomics, 2023, Vancouver. 21st SNE Annual Meeting, 2023.
Cavalcante, R. J. L. ; Silva, A. L. C. L. . Estudo sobre a avaliação intracritério no sistema de apoio a decisão (SAD) do FITradeoff com apoio da neurociência para decisão. In: LV Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 2023, São José dos Campos. Anais do LV Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 2023.
Fernandes, W. T. M. ; Barbosa, A. A. L. ; Luna, V. M. S. ; Silva, A. L. C. L. ; Medeiros, D. D. . Influência da apresentação de produtos eletrônicos no comportamento do consumidor: um estudo usando eletroencefalograma (EEG). In: XLIII ENEGEP – Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção, 2023, Fortaleza. Anais Eletrônicos da Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção, 2023.
Barros, L. E. A. ; Roselli, L. R. P. Uso de estudos comportamentais para melhorias do Sistema de Apoio à Decisão do método FITradeoff. In: INnovation for SystemsInformation and Decision meeting. INSID 2022, 2022, Recife. INnovation for Systems Information and Decision: Models and Applications, 2022
Costa, A. P. C. S.; Silva, A. L. C. L.; Medeiros, J. S. Assessment of mental states in FITradeoff DSS steps with reference activities using EEG. In: SNE 2022 – Society of NeuroEconomics, 2019, Arlington. 20th SNE Annual Meeting, 2022.
da Silva, A. L. C. L. ; Costa, A. P. C. S., Cavalcanti, A. M. Neuroscience study of the impact of the knowledge degree on the decision process with FITradeoff. In: SNE 2022 – Society of NeuroEconomics, 2019, Arlington. 20th SNE Annual Meeting, 2022.
Ferreira, E. B. ; Gê, M. C. O. ; Silva, A. L. C. L. ; Roselli, L. R. P. ; de Almeida, A. T. Melhorias propostas para o método FITradeoff a partir de estudos comportamentais com Eye-Tracking e Eletroencefalograma (EEG). In: Encontro de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, 2022, Evento Virtual. Book of Abstracts, 2022.
Ferreira, E. B. ; Silva, A. L. C. L. ; Roselli, L. R. P.; de Almeida, A. T. . Avaliação do Índice de Engajamento na tarefa usando Eletroencefalograma. In: INnovation for SystemsInformation and Decision meeting. INSID 2022, 2022, Recife. INnovation for Systems Information and Decision: Models and Applications, 2022
Gê, M. C. O.; Roselli, L. R. P. ; Silva, A. L. C. L. . Estudo da fadiga como aspecto comportamental na elicitação por decomposição. In: INnovation for SystemsInformation and Decision meeting. INSID 2022, 2022, Recife. INnovation for Systems Information and Decision: Models and Applications, 2022
Silva, F. B.; Silva, A. L. C. L.; Costa, A. P. C. S.Uso de eletroencefalograma (EEG) para estudo dos aspectos comportamentais inerentes ao procedimento tradeoff. In: ENEGEP 2022 Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção, 2022, Foz do Iguaçu.
Ferreira, E. B.; Roselli, L. R. P. ; Almeida, A. T. Síntese de Análises Oculares em Visualizações Gráficas e Tabulares para Avaliação Holística no FITradeoff. 2021. In: INnovation for Systems Information and Decision meeting, 2021, Virtual. INnovation for Systems Information and Decision meeting, 2021.
Ferreira, D. N. S.; Costa, A. P. C. S. E-voting: A web system customizable for participatory decisions based on the Random-Subset Voting (RSV) method. In: 2021 International Conference on Decision Support System Technology (ICDSST 2021), 2021, Loughborough, UK. ICDSST/2021, 2021.
Gê, M. C. O.; Roselli, L. R. P. ; Almeida, A. T. Uso de neurociência em decisão para explorar a elicitação por decomposição no Método FITradeoff versus no Procedimento Tradeoff. In: LIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional (SBPO 2021), 2021, João Pessoa – PB. Anais do SBPO, 2021., 2021.
Gonçalves, J.M. ; MORAIS, D. C. .Analysis of a Buyer-Seller Simulated Negotiations with Opposite Negotiation Styles. IN: Group decision and negotiation (GDN 2021), 2021.
Gonçalves, J.M. ; MORAIS, D. C. . An Exploratory Analysis Of Electronic Negotiations And Conflict Management Styles. In: INFORMS 2021, 2021, Anaheim. INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2021.
Medeiros, J. S. ; Costa, A. P. C. S. ; Silva, A. L. C. L. Comparing FITradeoff with calculation and music activities using neuroscience tools. In: INnovation for Systems Information and Decision meeting, 2021, Virtual. INnovation for Systems Information and Decision meeting, 2021.
Medeiros, J. S. ; Costa, A. P. C. S. ; Silva, A. L. C. L. Uso de eletroencefalograma (EEG) para estudo comparativo entre FITradeoff e atividades de cálculo a música. In: LIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 2021, João Pessoa. Anais do LIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 2021.
Oliveira, R. S. M. ; Silva, A. L. C. L. ; Morais, D. C. Using neuroscience to analyze the level of attention of a decision-maker when using FITradeoff DSS. In: INnovation for Systems Information and Decision meeting, 2021, Virtual. INnovation for Systems Information and Decision meeting, 2021.
Pessoa, M. E. B. T.; Roselli, L. R. P. ; De Almeida, A. T. A neuroscience experiment to investigate the selection decision process versus the elimination decision process in the FITradeoff method. In: EWG-DSS 7th International Conference on Decision Support System Technology, 2021, Loughborough, United Kingdom. 2021 International Conference on Decision Support System Technology (ICDSST 2021), 2021.
Santos, E. P. C.; Ferreira, E. B.; Roselli, L. R. P. Análise dos movimentos oculares em gráficos de barras durante a avaliação holística do FITradeoff. 2021. In: INnovation for Systems Information and Decision meeting, 2021, Virtual. INnovation for Systems Information and Decision meeting, 2021.
Santos, V. R. V. ; Barbosa, A. A. L. ; Silva, A. L. C. L. ; Roselli, L. R. P. ; Medeiros, D. D. Analysis of consumer behavior in the context of packaging: an application of the Alpha-Theta Diagram. In: INnovation for Systems Information and Decision meeting, 2021, Virtual. INnovation for Systems Information and Decision meeting, 2021.
Veloso, L. F. ; Costa, A. P. C. S. ; Silva, A. L. C. L. Analysis of engagement during tradeoff elicitation from the perspective of neuroscience. In: INnovation for Systems Information and Decision meeting, 2021, Virtual. INnovation for Systems Information and Decision meeting, 2021.
Veloso, L. F. ; Costa, A. P. C. S. ; Silva, A. L. C. L. Estudo dos aspectos comportamentais inerentes ao procedimento de elicitação Tradeoff na perspectiva da Neurociência. In: LIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 2021, João Pessoa. Anais do LIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 2021.
Andrade, A.L.O ; MORAIS, D. C. . Evaluation of decision-maker brain activity profile in the context of Tradeoff elicitation. In: INnovation for SystemsInformation and Decision meeting. INSID 2020, 2020, Virtual. INnovation for Systems Information and Decision: Models and Applications, 2020.
De Almeida, A.T., Roselli, L. R. P. NeuroIS to improve the FITradeoff decision-making process and Decision Support System. In: NeuroIS Retreat 2020. Proceedings NeuroIS Retreat 2020.
Gonçalves, J.M. ; MORAIS, D. C. . Analysis of physiological data and negotiation styles when negotiating with a simulated neutral party. In: INnovation forSystems Information and Decision meeting. INSID 2020, 2020, Virtual. INnovation for Systems Information and Decision: Models and Applications, 2020.
Reis Peixoto Roselli, L., De Almeida, A.T. Improvements in the FITradeoff Decision Support System for ranking order problematic based in a behavioral study with NeuroIS tools. In: NeuroIS Retreat 2020. Proceedings NeuroIS Retreat 2020.
Roselli, L. R. P.; De Almeida, A. T. Decision-Rule to support the Holistic Evaluation phase in the FITradeoff Decision Support System. In: INnovation for Systems Information and Decision meeting – INSID, 2020, Virtual.
Silva, A. L. C. L.; Costa, A. P. C. S. ; Almeida, A. T. Use of neuroscience to assess consistency in the elicitation process with FITradeoff method. In: INnovation for Systems Information and Decision meeting, 2021, Virtual. INnovation for Systems Information and Decision meeting, 2020.
Silva, A.L.C.L., Costa, A.P.C.S., Almeida, A.T. Use of neuroscience tools to analyze the cognitive aspects of the FITradeoff method and the impact of different types of criteria. In: V Encontro de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, 2020.
Andrade, A.L.O., Morais, D.C. The influence of music and arithmetic problems solving in the tradeoff elicitation context. In: INnovation for Systems Information and Decision meeting – INSID, 2019, Natal. The influence of music and arithmetic problems solving in the tradeoff elicitation context, 2019.
Andrade, A.L.O ; URTIGA, M. M. B. A. ; MORAIS, D. C. . Supporting the negotiation process for watershed committees with Value-focused ThinkingApplication and neurodecision insights. In: INFORMS, 2019, Seattle. INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2019
Bastos, H. C. ; Medeiros, Denise Dumke de . Analysis of conscious and unconscious consumers responses tomarketing stimuli. In: Innovation for Systems Information and Decision Meeting, 2019, Natal – RN. Annals of INSID2019. Recife: INSID, 2019
Ferreira, D.N.S., Costa, A.P.C.S. Sistema de votação por subconjunto aleatório e demanda cognitiva: um estudo pupilométrico no contexto das decisões sociais. In: INSID – Innovation for Systems Information and Decision Meeting, 2019.
Gonçalves, J.M. ; DAHER, S.F.D ; MORAIS, D. C. . Analysis of GAIA-PROMETHEE visualization using a psychophysiological tool. In: IEEE SMC, 2019, Bari.IEEE SMC 2019, 2019.
Roselli, L.R.P., De Almeida, A.T. Analyzing graphical visualization for multi-attribute decision making using EEG and eye-tracker. In: 2019 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference, 2019, Rome, Italy.
Roselli, L.R.P., Silva, A.L.C.L., Almeida, A.T. Evaluation of graphical visualization behavioral in a multi-criteria decision making context. In: SNE 2019 – Society of NeuroEconomics, 2019, Dublin. 17th SNE Annual Meeting, 2019.
Roselli, L.R.P., De Almeida, A.T. Investigating Graphical Visualization in FITradeoff method with Neuroscience using EEG and Eye-tracker. In: 19th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation in 2019 a Joint GDN-EWG/BOR meeting, 2019, Loughborough, UK. 19th International Conference, GDN 2019, Loughborough, UK, June 11–15, 2019, Proceedings, 2019.
Silva, A.L.C.L., Costa, A.P.C.S. Cognitive aspects during elicitation process with FITradeoff decision support system. In: SNE 2019 – Society of NeuroEconomics, 2019, Dublin. 17th SNE Annual Meeting, 2019.
Silva, A.L.C.L., Costa, A.P.C.S. FITradeoff Decision Support System: An Exploratory Study with Neuroscience Tools. In: NeuroIS Retreat 2019, 2019, Viena. NeuroIS Retreat 2019.
Silva, G.S., Morais, D.C., Almeida, A.T. Study of inconsistencies in the Tradeoff elicitation procedure using the eye-tracking neuroscience tool. In: INnovation for Systems Information and Decision meeting, 2019, Natal. Methodological advances in decision making and aid., 2019.
Costa, A.P.C.S., De Almeida, A.T., Morais, D.C., Roselli, L.R.P., Silva, A.L.C.L., Pereira, L.S., Goncalves, J.M.S. Behavioral experiments associating calculus and video music listening activities with the decision process with multi-attribute context. In: Society of NeuroEconomics, 2018, Philadelphia. In: SNE 2018 – Society of NeuroEconomics, 2018, Philadelphia. 16th SNE Annual Meeting, 2018.
Daher, S., Moura, J.A. The influence of negotiation style during online negotiations: an event-related potential (ERP) study. In: CNS 2018 – Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, 2018, Boston. CNS 2018 Abstract Booklet, 2018.
De Almeida, A.T., Roselli, L.R.P., Costa, A.P.C.S., Goncalves, J.M.S., Andrade, A.L. Decision process improvement based on behavioral experiments of multi-attribute choices with graphical visualization. In: SNE 2018 – Society of NeuroEconomics, 2018, Philadelphia. 16th SNE Annual Meeting, 2018.
Lima, B.C.C., Pereira, L.D.S., Morais, D. Processo de estruturação de problemas incorporando análise do comportamento dos indivíduos. In: ENEGEP 2018 Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção, 2018, Maceió.
Morais, D.C., Almeida, A.T., Pereira, L.S., Silva, A.L.C.L., Goncalves, J.M.S. Behavioral experiments to investigate preference elicitation of scale constants in multi- atribute value theory. In: SNE 2018 – Society of NeuroEconomics, 2018, Philadelphia. 16th SNE Annual Meeting, 2018.
Moura, J. A., Daher, S. F. D. An Eye-Tracking Study Involving Negotiation Style Differences and Psychophysiological Metrics in a Negotiation Support System. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2018, Miyazaki. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2018. p. 3088.
Pereira, L.S., Moura, J.A., Morais, D.C., Costa, A.P.C.S. Individual’s behavior behind the punishment in a monetary game. In: III Encontro de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, 2018, Florianópolis.
Roselli, L.R.P., Frej, E.A., De Almeida, A.T. Improving Graphical Visualization in the FITradeoff DSS Using Neuroscience Experiment. In: INFORMS International Conference, 2018, Taipei.
Roselli, L.R.P., Frej, E.A., De Almeida, A.T. Neuroscience Experiment for Graphical Visualization in the FITradeoff Decision Support System. In: Group Decision and Negotiation in an Uncertain World. GDN 2018, 2018, Nanjing. In: Chen Y., Kersten G., Vetschera R., Xu H. (eds) Group Decision and Negotiation in an Uncertain World. GDN 2018. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2018. v. 315.
De Almeida, A.T., Roselli, L.R.P. Improving Preference Modeling for Multi-Criteria Decision-Making with Cognitive Mechanisms Analysis. In: 17th Society for Neuroeconomics, 2017, Toronto.
Moura, J.A., Daher, S.F.D., Costa, A.P.C.S. Negotiation style and cognitive effort in a Negotiation Support System: a biometric analysis. In: ICDSST 2017 EWG-DSS 2017 International Conference on Decision Support System Technology, 2017, Namur. Proceedings of ICDSST 2017 EWG-DSS 2017 International Conference on Decision Support System Technology, 2017.
Moura, J. A.; Costa, A. P. C. S. NegPlace: a Web-based environment for supporting Negotiation Integrating Personality Traits and Negotiation Styles. In: II Encontro de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, 2017, Curitiba. EPPGEP Proceedings, 2017.
Moura, J.A., Daher, S.F.D., Costa, A.P.C.S. Using EEG markers to investigate relations between negotiation styles and cognitive workload. In: CNS 2017 Annual Meeting, 2017, San Francisco.
Moura, J.A., Daher, S.F.D., Costa, A. P. C. S. Using psychophysiological data to investigate differences by gender and negotiation styles in e-negotiation. In: IEEE System, Man and Cybernetics Society Conference- SMC 2017, 2017, Banff. Proceedings of IEEE SMC 2018, 2017.
Roselli, L.R.P., De Almeida, A.T. Cognitive Analysis for Improving Preference Elicitation Confidence of Scale Constants in Multi-Attribute Value Theory. In: 17th Society for Neuroeconomics, 2017, Toronto.
Roselli, L.R.P., Frej, E. A., Almeida, A.T. Designing Preference Modeling for FITradeoff Method with Decision Neuroscience Experiments. In: 17th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, 2017, Stuttgart.
Roselli, L.R.P., Frej, E.A., Almeida, A.T. Uso da Neurociência-Decisão para Design de Sistemas de Apoio a Decisão com o Método Multicritério FITradeoff. In: XLIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 2017, Blumenau.
Daher, S.F.D., Moura, J.A., Costa, A.P.C.S. Investigating Relations Between Psychophysiological Measures and Negotiation Style in a Negotiation Support System Context. In: GDN 2016 – 2016 International Conference on Group Decision & Negotiation, 2016, Bellingham.
Moura, J.A., Daher, S.F.D., Costa, A.P.C.S. Investigating relations between psychophysiological measures and negotiation style in a negotiation support system context. In: 16th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, 2016, Bellingham. INFORMS GDN 2016.