Registration Procedure

Registration includes attendance to the summer school, documents, lunches, dinners and a social activity.

Registration with accommodation is highly recommended (accommodation will be shared by two participants).

Early registration fee with accommodation (payment before March 15th, 2016): US $ 800
Early registration fee without accommodation (payment before March 15th, 2016): US $ 500
Late registration fee with accommodation (payment after March 16th, 2016): US $ 1,050
Late registration fee without accommodation (payment after March 16th, 2016): US $ 650

Instructions for application for financial support

Payment Options

Participants can pay the registration fees in two ways:

1. Bank Transfer

• Please email bank transfer slip to the organizing committee (
• Details about paying through the bank:

Foreign attendants:
To: IPSID – Instituto de Pesquisa em Sistema de Informação e Decisão
Bank Name: Banco do Brasil
IBAN: BR6700000000036130000315109C1

Brazilian attendants:
To: IPSID – Instituto de Pesquisa em Sistema de Informação e Decisão
Banco: Banco do Brasil (001)
Agência: 3613-7
Conta-corrente: 31.510-9


2. Credit Card (Via PayPal)paypal-logo1

Participants can pay through a secure online payment facility with PayPal. Use the button below to proceed your payment.

Note that your registration can be validated only when full payment is completed.

MCDA/M School – Registration

Cancellation Policy

There will be no refunds of conference registration fee.